Family Life

When the big day comes, the last thing you want is to live one of those frantic movie scenes where all is forgotten in the headlong rush to get to the hospital.

You’re more likely to be cool. calm and collected if you’re well prepared for your baby’s birth. Packing a hospital bag for you and your baby should be high up on your checklist. 

The big question is what to pack?

This is good practice for when your little one is home, and an efficient baby bag is a vital accessory for any outing. Obviously, there are some things that you can’t do without.

For you…

Pack a set of lightweight, front-opening pyjamas for each day of your stay, plus an extra set, just in case. A gown and slippers are a good idea, and your underwear should include three feeding bras if you’re planning to breastfeed. Let’s face it, you’re probably not going to fit into your skinny jeans straight away so its best to choose something loose and comfortable to wear home.

Besides what you would normally pack if you were going away, include maternity pads and two dark-coloured wash cloths in your toiletry bag.

Hot tip: Pack a separate bag for the labour room, and your first assisted bath after the birth so that you are not rifling through a big bag.

… And for Baby

Your baby bag should include five sets of clean clothes (vests, baby-gros, a receiving blanket, socks and beanie), a warm blanket and cotton buds.

Hot tip: Pack each set of clothing in a separate plastic bag to keep clean and dirty clothes separate.

Mediclinic Baby is a value-added programme for prospective parents having their baby at one of our hospitals. The luxury baby bag you’ll receive as part of the service includes most of the essentials your baby will need, such as:

•    One packet of newborn nappies
•    Baby wipes
•    Petroleum jelly
•    Surgical alcohol
•    Cotton wool
•    Cleansing lotion
•    Baby moisturiser
•    Mediclinic Baby beanie
•    And a pack of maternity pads.

The comforts of home

During this very exciting time you may want a few of your favourite things around you to create a calm atmosphere. Compile a collection of music for your iPod or cell phone. Stock up on books and magazines (either the paper kind or loaded on your reader), even though you may not have much time to enjoy them between taking care of the new arrival, your visitors and catching up on some sleep, its good to have them there. Pack some snacks – energy bars, fruit and nuts are healthy alternatives.


Your bundle of joy is the most precious thing with which you will leave the hospital, but you certainly won’t want to miss out on sharing her first moments of life with doting grandparents and friends. Don’t forget to pack your camera and make sure the batteries are fully charged.

For more information on the Mediclinic Baby programme click hereIf you have questions on this post, or any other medical matter, please comment below or visit our Facebook page.