
The majority of salt products available in South African supermarkets are iodised – meaning they’ve had iodine (in the form of potassium iodate) added. 

According to the World Health Organization, 95,4% of all South African households use salt regularly, with 2,9% using it only occasionally. These statistics are further supported by a 2001 local study entitled Iodine Concentration in Household Salt in South Africa, undertaken by Pieter Jooste, Michael Weight and Carl Lombard. The study also addresses the following key questions:

Why is iodine added to our salt?

The study authors say, ‘In an attempt to eliminate iodine deficiency, especially in rural areas, and to comply with the international goal of universal salt iodisation, compulsory iodisation of all table salt was introduced in South Africa on 1 December 1995.’

What kinds of ailments can iodine deficiency cause?

‘Iodine deficiency resulting from inadequate dietary iodine intake is causally related to a spectrum of diseases collectively referred to as iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs),’ the study says. The authors go on to explain how these IDDs ‘include preventable conditions such as impaired mental function, goitre ( swelling of the neck or larynx resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland associated with a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly), hypothyroidism, cretinism, and retarded physical development. In fact, worldwide, over 90% cases of goitre are caused by iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency also causes increased child mortality. The iodisation of salt is widely regarded as the most effective and sustainable long-term public health measure for the prevention and control of IDDs.’

So, which type of salt should I use?

The above-mentioned salt study reveals that there is on average about 27mg/kg of iodine in our table salt – and the recommended amount is 15mg/kg. If you’re keen to make the healthier choice, try to avoid adding salt to your food altogether and opt for other flavourants such as herbs, or try to keep your salt intake to below 2g per day.