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Our facility is excited to launch a Bariatric Surgery Unit, internationally accredited by Proventi. The surgery is conducted by a multi­ disciplinary team of accredited bariatric surgeons led by Prof. Zacharia Koto

Mediclinic Medforum bariatric surgery
Our facility is excited to launch a Bariatric Surgery Unit, international­ ly accredited by Proventi. The surgery is conducted by a multi­ disciplinary team of accredited bariatric surgeons led by Prof. Zacharia Koto.

What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery can broadly be defined as surgery of the stomach and intestines which changes the digestive system, assisting patients to lose weight. The benefits of weight loss are:

  • cosmetic
  • health
  • mental wellbeing

Why does Mediclinic Medforum offer bariatric surgery?
The high incidence of obesity has necessitated the establishment of programmes for the management of obesity and associated health complications.

According to research, obesity has increased exponentially over the last few years. South Africa has the highest obesity rate in Sub­ Saharan Africa. Nearly 70% of women and 39% of men are considered overweight in South Africa.

  • Health risks related to obesity
    High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Some cancers (breast, colon, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, and liver)

How is bariatric surgery performed?
Bariatric surgery is done in a theatre with the use of general anaesthesia. This means the patient is unconscious throughout the procedure. The details of the surgery are directly related to an individual’s health. The surgeon might opt to make large incisions in a patient’s abdomen or operate laparoscopically instead.

Laparoscopic surgery allows the surgeon to see and operate inside the abdomen via a camera, without making large incisions. Surgery usually takes several hours, and a patient can expect to spend a few days in the hospital afterwards.

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Medical aid and bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery is covered by many medical schemes, but only if such procedures are deemed necessary for medical purposes and if it is seen as vital in preserving the health of the member. It is best to communicate directly with your scheme up front.

Contact details
Suite 517, Mediclinic Medforum, 412 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
T 012 317 6812 / 012 317 6714